Double Hung Replacement Windows

Double Hung Replacement Windows Richmond VA

Time-honored design merges with 21st century innovation in our double hung replacement windows. Dating back to 18th century New England, Double Hung Windows have been the most popular American residential window for more than 300 years.

This window’s staying power is due to both its attractiveness and its convenient design, which allows it to be opened from the top or bottom. Our ProVia replacement windows take the ease of use even further, with sophisticated technology that lets you tilt each sash into the interior of your home when cleaning. A fiberglass structural core makes our double hung windows extraordinarily durable, guaranteeing peak performance year after year.

Extreme Energy Efficiency

Not only are they easy to operate; they’re eco friendly. With a U-Factor rating between .19 and .30 (dependent on glass package), a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient between .24 and .29, and the industry’s lowest air infiltration rating, our replacement windows are some of the most energy efficient on the market. NEOPOR® rigid thermal insulation main frames and triple weather stripping help homeowners see dramatic savings on their heating and cooling costs while contributing to a greener planet.

Countless Ways to Customize

Our double hung replacement windows are available in a vast array of frame materials that include vinyl, fiberglass,composite, and wood. All come in a variety of color and veneer options that blend in seamlessly with the rest of your home.

Of course, the glass inside the frame is just as important. That’s why all of our double hung replacement windows provide more visible glass area than other competitive brands. Supplemental options can be added to help preserve your pristine views with minimal effort.
